Wentland Diesel Service

Wentland Diesel Service

Auto Repair in Milton-Freewater, OR

Auto Repair Tires Transmissions and Engines

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84455 Highway 11,
Milton-Freewater , OR 97862 UNITED STATES

About Wentland Diesel Service

Wentland Diesel Service's Complete Auto Repair Shop is located in Milton-Freewater, OR. ASE Certified automotive repairs, light truck repairs, brakes, oil changes, diesel fuel injection and more!

At Wentland Diesel we "do it right!" Our goal is to provide the highest quality service attainable. We are a complete automotive repair shop and specialize in diesel fuel injection. From a simple oil change, to fuel injectors, to whole engine replacement; we can do it all. And you can rest assured that it will be done right. Wentland Diesel Service has been providing quality car care in Milton-Freewater, OR since 1972. We are a family owned business delivering honest and professional automotive repair and auto maintenance services to the people of Milton-Freewater and the surrounding areas. We employ today’s latest automotive technology and are equipped to handle all major and minor repairs on foreign and domestic vehicles.


Wentland Diesel Service 541-938-3875
84455 Highway 11,
Milton-Freewater , OR 97862 UNITED STATES
Wentland Diesel Service

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Wentland Diesel Service
Auto Repair
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Wentland Diesel Service

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